Tuesday 16 April 2013

Hello! So this is an introduction post to my new blog! I decided to make a blog, following in the footsteps of a lot of my favourite youtubers, and one in particular Leanne Woodfull. (Her blog is here and her youtube is here.) Leanne inspired me to make a blog because of the success she's gotten from hers. Leanne dedicates her life to everything fashion and has a really unique style and isn't afraid to wear whatever she wants, even if it's not on trend. She is really a big inspiration to me as I said and I want to say a big thank you to her!
So, my name is Lauren, I am 16 years old and I'm currently in 5th year of secondary school here in Ireland. Next year will be my last year here before I have to go to college, which is scary. I don't know what I want to do with my life after school and that's quite a big deal! Most people know what they are aiming for and know how many points they need to get into the college of their choice, I however, do not.
I know that, for a really long time, I have loved fashion. I used to get my mam's high heels and wear them around the house, so much that I actually broke a pair.. oops.. sorry mammy!
When I was 14 I thought that I would love to be a fashion designer, my favourite show was project runway and I really was in love with that thought, however, after my parents forking out for a mannequin and my Nana buying me a brand new, proper sewing machine, I decided it wasn't for me, mainly on account of the fact that I can't draw clothes very well. 

I then thought to myself when I was 15, because ANTM (America's Next Top Model) was my favourite show, that I would like to be a model and I was dead serious about this too. Although I am too short, unable to maintain a slim frame and since my body is still developing and I realised I almost need a high metabolism, I soon realised this wasn't for me. 
Now it's 2013 and so far, the year hasn't been as amazing as I'd hoped. Don't get me wrong, nothing about it has been awful, but nothing great has happened. 

So here I am. That girl who doesn't know who she is or what she wants to do in life. Even though I'm unsure of exactly my goal, I know I want it to be in beauty &/or fashion. I am currently contemplating doing a make-up and beauty course after school however I am not completely certain! 
I have quite a unique style and if I'm not in school, I tend to dress slightly more OTT than most people, rather than wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I would wear a maxi dress with a skull print & my black creepers.

I also have a massive goal to achieve this year and that is creating a youtube channel. I spend so much time watching all my subscriptions on youtube that I just think it would be a good idea for me to do that. Whichever way I go in life, I know that I want to be known. I don't want to be a nobody, that was never for me. I've always wanted to be in the spotlight and I plan on being! 

Thank you to anybody who takes the time to read this blog post! Feel free to comment telling me anything related to the post! I hope that I can get a nice amount of followers and if you have any requests or reviews etc. that you would like me to do, then feel free to ask! x
 ~Lauren xo

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