Monday 29 July 2013

Music Monday ○ Still into you - Paramore

Hello Spudlings!

It's the first installment of Music Mondays which is going to be a short segment for the time being. I'm going to talk about the very controversial "Still into you" by Paramore. This song has gotten so much mixed reviews that I feel I should just have a chat about what I feel about the whole situation!
Personally, I absolutely love the song, I love most Paramore songs and this is no exception. However, a massive amount of big Paramore fans are seriously upset about this song saying that it's "too pop" or "I miss the old Paramore", "They've changed", etc. To that I say, yes, of course they've changed! All artists change, it's what keeps them fresh, different, and popular. Yes, the old Paramore was great but not only have they as a group changed (December 2010, Josh & Zac Farro left Paramore and Jason Bynum, John Hembree and Hunter Lamb also having left the band at an earlier stage) but they have matured, aged and their personalities have grown! 
Recently, in an interview Hayley, Taylor and Jeremy said how Hayley was unsure about how the fans would react to the song and Taylor asked her "Well what do you think of it?", and Hayley said that she liked it. For an artist, I personally think this is so important, I mean if you're an artist who is making music, of course you have to like the music you're creating and letting into the world. Yes, it might not be your cup of tea, but there's nothing you can do about it except for accept it and not listen to the song if you really dislike it that much. Yes, maybe now more people are listening to Paramore who wouldn't have a few years ago, but is that not great, they're getting more famous, which as a fan, you should be proud of and respect the artist for what they're doing, especially if it's something new, different and something that they've never really touched on before.
Ok, I apologize for this kind of "ranty" post but I think it's good to let you know some of my opinions!
Please let me know if you like this type of post, if I should keep up Music Mondays or any other thoughts or opinions on the post! 
As always, thanks for spending time reading this and don't forget to follow me on BlogLovin'! 

Listen to "Still into You" here.



  1. I can't say I'm a fan of Paramore but I totally agree with you that it's really important for an artist to like what they make. I don't know if you get notified when people reply to comments but I have if you want to have a nosy. Just thought I'd let you know. x

    1. Exactly, I think some people are a little too obsessed with celebrities and once they do anything different or start dating, they go a little nuts! lol Aha oh thank you, I thought I would have gotten a notification but no lol
