Monday 10 June 2013

Nail Polish Collection!

So, I absolutely love watching nail polish collection videos and since I don't make videos (Just yet *wink wink*) I thought it would be nice to make a blog post about it! So I keep my nail polish in a basket that has been spray painted white and it's like a garden basket or something like that but it's super cute (although needs some serious TLC) and I got it for €1 in an Oxfam Charity Shop in Navan, just a bit of a walk up from the shopping center. I'm not sure if I'll keep them there, especially as the collection grows, but for now it's very cute and it was a cheap buy! 
 (Wicker, Heart, Fairy lights from Pennies/Primark)

Since I have mainly essence products, I'll start with them, I can never help buying their cheap and colourful nail varnishes though!
First few are an older version of the "colour and go" range, which is the bottle that is cylinder like in shape. Which I'm almost positive that you can't get anymore, but the newer bottles have gorgeous colours!
This is number "43 Where is the Party?", it's a gorgeous metallic, chrome kind of purple with a kind of an 'oil spill' kind of look to it and it's really pretty but I think I've grown out of it a bit.
The next one it the one I currently have on my nails and I just managed to salvage one last double coat of it last night by pouring in a couple drops of nail polish remover into the bottle and shaking it. This is a really pretty orange/coral kind of colour, it's called "93 C'est la vie!" And I definitely need to buy another coral shade, because they're my new obsession for nails! 
Next is another polish on the brink of death, it's a super pretty mint nail varnish and again, I love mint nail polish so I will have to pick myself up another bottle! This one is in the colour "53 You belong to me", which I love because Taylor Swift's "You belong with me" is a favourite song of mine and it's such a happy fun song and this polish really reflects that song perfectly!
So this one is a golden shade that is really used up, but i have no idea why because I've only used this once or twice. It's quite a sheer colour, which I'm not a massive fan of which is why I've never worn it much. "32 Gold Rush".

This next one isn't actually a 'colour and go' polish but the bottle is very similar to the older version. This is "02 Grumpy" from the Snow White range. Now I absolutely adore this colour, it's such a lovely royal blue and I love it, not to mention the fact that it has a super cute name! 
Next is more of the 'colour and go' range, but it's the newer bottle and the ones that are actually available now. 
This polish has also been used quite a lot. This was my 'Halloween & Christmas' colour that I wore quite a lot around Halloween and X-Mas. This is in the shade "113 Do you speak love?" and I've never looked at the name of this one before for some reason and I just think that's such a nice little name for this colour (:
Next I have 2 of my favourite colours, especially for summer! The first, is a beautiful light pink in the shade "106 Free Hugs", cute! And this one is the prettiest lilac colour, however the colour is called "125 absolutely blue", and I do think it looks a bit blue but I'm still going to call it lilac!
Now I have 2 polishes from the 'nude glam' collection, which you might have seen before if you read my (very bad quality) Essence Nail Polish Review post. This first one is a shade that I actually bought in a rush, I wanted a white nail varnish and grabbed this one without inspecting this one properly (I'm apparently a detective now) it is a nice colour, but as I said before, I'm not a fan of sheer nail polishes and this one is extremely sheer, I could probably use it as a topcoat, it even says "Wow! Perfect Finish" on the bottle so I'm assuming it's as a topcoat for a French mani.. although I do love the name (yes, again lol) "07 ice, ice baby!".
Next from the 'nude glam' range is one of my favourite polishes. It's called "01 hazelnut cream pie" (which reminds me of Starbucks for some reason..). This is such a gorgeous nude colour and I will definitely buy this exact polish again, it's nude but it does have a very subtle, shiny, purple tint to it, and it's the most beautiful colour for a nude polish and I can tell you that the photo does not do it justice!
Next essence polish I have is from the 'Oz the Great and Powerful' collection that came out quite recently and I actually bought it from a bargain bin after they took the Oz display down. So it's the colour "04 winged wonder" and it's a crackling nail polish and it's a very pretty coral shade but I haven't had much chance to use it as I don't have a white to go underneath which is the colour I really want as I think it'd really go with this polish! 

Next is from essence's 'Special effect topper' range, it's another of my 'Halloween and Christmas" polishes because it's got darker glitter in it but it does work all year round, it's "02 Circus Confetti".
My last essence polish is my most recent buy and it's just a quick drying topcoat.
(All essence images from Google-I'm bad at taking photos..)
So, moving on from essence I have a nail polish that I picked up when I was on holiday with my family in Ibiza last year. It's from Marie Lluy, and it's number 72 (The colour is in Spanish!), it's just a simple yellow colour, again it's quite sheer and needs a couple coats but with a white base I know it would look a lot better but it's definitely not a polish that I would use often without a white.
Last but not least I have a very tiny silver nail polish from claire's that came in a pack of about 4 nail polishes, but the others were a bit messed up so I dumped them but I figures that i would keep this one for going out to parties and things of that nature (because I go to a lot of parties.. lol). Nothing special to say about this one. 
Now I do have a couple more nail polishes that I really don't use much and this is why: first of all, they're quite pearlescent and I just cannot stand those types of nail varnishes, then they're also very sheer and the colours are very dull. They were a small Christmas present, as they are part of a nail art set, so they're shin brushes and dotting tools at the top but I just really don't like them at all..

So that's it! I do plan on having a lot more to add to the collection. I constantly find that I have to restrain myself from buying nail varnish whenever I go into the Chemist's on Wednesdays because of the 10% student discount, as I just keep buying them lately! 
What are your favourite nail polishes, have you got some of the same ones that I have? What do you think of them? Leave a comment and let me know!

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