Thursday 5 September 2013

August Favourites!

Hello Spudlings! 

Since it's the end of August and there's quite a few things that I've been loving this month, I decided to do my first ever "Monthly Favourites" post!
I'm really excited to share with you guys my favourites for August so lets get into it!

Clothes & Accessories

If you read my "A Week in Dublin" post then you'll know I went to Pennies/Primark and picked up some stuff!
First thing is an emerald green Boyfriend t-shirt with "Blog Off" on it, I really loved the colour of this and if you know me you know that I don't have much colour in my wardrobe so I want to kind of start adding some colour into the things I wear. I thought that it was pretty cool because I have this blog too! 
Next I got a skirt and I love these skater style skirts, I have 2 others and I have loads of dresses in the same style. It's a navy skirt with daisy's printed on it. Daisy's are one of my favourite flowers even though they are simple and really common. 
Again I picked this up because it was cute and my wardrobe isn't very "girly" and I want to kind of change it up a bit.
This is something that I fell in love with when I first saw them and thought that they were extremely cute and would go well with my wardrobe.
It's these adorable socks and each one has a word on them but the words are Nerd, Jerk, Geek, Swot & Dork. I just thought these would be really cute! 
The next thing is a gold chunky chain necklace that I first saw Leanne Woodfull wearing and I really liked it. So when I saw they had them in Primark I had to have it and I have literally not stopped wearing it! haha I love it so much and even though it is gold, it goes with quite a lot! 

Makeup & Beauty

(I will have reviews up of all makeup mentioned below)
I got quite a bit of really good makeup this month and I'm excited to share what I got! 
 The first thing I picked up in Boots was a mascara because I needed a new one and the one I got was a Maybelline "The Colossal Volum' Express" Mascara in Waterproof. I have seen reviews of this mascara for a while and I thought that I would pick it up and try it out. I got waterproof because I just think any waterproof eye makeup is handy to have over something that's not waterproof.
The next thing that I have been really loving this month is my first Barry M product, it's a nail varnish in the colour "304 Mint Green". I love any colour between mint green and light blue and turquoise and so this is a really perfect colour for me to have in my collection. I've already re-applied it about 3-4 times!
I usually use gel eyeliner because I find it easy to use but I picked up an Essence Liquid Ink eyeliner in Primark and I absolutely love it! It's taking some time to get used to but it's such a good eyeliner and I'm glad my friend recommended it to me!
I picked up a new essence nail polish yesterday and I know it's not a lot of time to know you really like something but it's such an amazing orange colour! It's in the shade "145 Flashy Pumpkin". It's a redish orange, it's super bright and very fitting coming into my favourite season!
 For this next thing I don't have a specific product to show but I have been loving plum coloured eyeshadows. I have light - medium blue eyes and purple is a colour that really enhances them so wearing plum eyeshadows makes me feel FIERCE! haha I might do a tutorial for how I wear plum eyeshadow. 
When I was in Dublin I went into one of the Lush stores and I purchased my first lush item! I smelled this in the store and I had to have it! It's a Bubblegum Sugar lip scrub. It literally smells like bubblegum/cotton candy and it tastes amazing haha I usually apply it before I do my makeup in the morning and then after I take my makeup off at night. It really makes my lips feel super smooth and for me that's a big deal! 
My last beauty favourite this month is a hair product and I don't usually buy hair products unless it's hair dye, shampoo or hairspray but literally everybody has been raving about the Batiste Dry Shampoo's so I picked up the "Tropical" one in Pennies. I really think it's a great product, it smells clean (if that makes sense haha), it makes my hair look clean and it gives it a bit more volume and texture which I need more of at the top of my head. 

These are some random favourites of mine for August!

First thing has got to be rice cakes! I have always liked rice cakes but this month I've become a little bit obsessed with them! I just eat them plain with nothing on them.
Next would be the makeup bag I got in Primark. It's got pink on the inside and the outside of it has moustaches printed all over it! I think it's so cute and I love moustaches so it's pretty perfect for me! It's a really nice size too.
Next is this really gorgeous notepad I got while shopping for school supplies with my mam. The colours on it are really cool and I just love the design.
 Another thing I got in Primark that I have been really loving for August was my new purse. The colour of it is stunning and matches my bedroom. I think the heart on the front is really cute and I like the size of it.
My nana has been really into Crocheting (A type of knitting) blankets for a while and she made me one a few years ago and I really loved it but it went in my house fire so she just recently finished my new one to match my new room and I love it! The colours are beautiful and it's really nice to throw on your bed or snuggle up with it over you! It took Nana months to make and I really appreciate it. 
My last random favourite is a candle from, again, Primark/Pennies. It's a purple Owl, but the head comes off to reveal the candle inside! I couldn't resist buying it, it's so adorable and smells like vanilla!

There have been a good amount of song's I have been loving for August so I'm going to share some of them with you.
Roar by Katy Perry is such an amazing, feel good song and it has such a good message, I love it!
The Wanted's new song "We own the night" is a really great song, there's something about the way the music flows that I really love and I really love all of their singles!
I think that Slow Down by Selena Gomez is a really cool song and it's so catchy I can't help loving it!
I know that this isn't a particularly new song but "Ain't it Fun" by Paramore has been playing in my head for the whole month, I love it so so so much! 

So that's if for my August Favourites! I hope you enjoyed reading what I have loved the past month and I would love to hear what you've been loving or what you think of the things I mentioned!
As always, thanks for spending time reading this and don't forget to follow me on BlogLovin'!
Apologies for the lack of pictures but with school, I haven't had the time to get any decent lighting! 


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